Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Sources of ancient Saraswati river..

  Sharing a name with the river and knowledge goddess, Saraswati, the Saraswati (Sarasvati) river was a major river of ancient India.The Har-ki-dun glacier fed into in the Himalayas producing the Saraswati's tributaries, Shatadru (Sutlej) from Mount Kailas, Drishadvati from Siwalik Hills and the Yamuna. The Saraswati then flowed into the Arabian Sea at the Great Rann delta. By about 1500 B.C. the Saraswati River had dried up in places. By the late Vedic Period, the Saraswati no longer had the Yamuna and Sutlej tributaries. The Yamuna became a tributary of the Ganga (Ganges); the Sutlej, of the Sindhu. Today, a seasonal river called the Ghaggar can be found in part of the Saraswati river bed. This may have been the upper channel of the Saraswati where the tributaries flowed together. With the collapse of the Saraswati, people migrated to the east. The Ganga assumed the importance formerly allocated the Saraswati.

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